Saturday August 16 at 3pm
We are proud to be holding a Poetry reading by Poet/Painters/Collagists Daniel Marlin and Janell Moon.
Daniel Marlin is a poet, artist, translator from Yiddish and anti-nuclear weapons vigiler. He has worked as amailhandler on the loading dock of the Post Office; as a gardener; English teacher; poetry editor; and for many years as a telefundraiser for peace, social justice, and environmental non-profits. A longtime resident of Berkeley, California, he has, since 1999, spent part of each year in Amagasaki City, Japan, with his wife Toshiko Watanabe. His book on his own art 'Heart of Ardor' includes over 300 images drawn from four decades of artistic endeavor, combined with the artist's written reflections on his work. His books of poetry include 'Isiah at the Wall, Palestine Poems' ,that according to the acknowledgments, is the result of a trip to the Middle East in 2008 and of decades of thought and activism which preceded it. He singles out some people who have deepened his understanding of the occupation: the poet Mahmoud Darwish, the human rights activist Israel Shahak, the lawyer and writer Raja Shehadeh, and the scholar Sarah Roy.
Janell Moon is an author of non fiction and poetry. In 2002, her book The Wise Earth Speaks to Your Spirit was voted one of the year's best spiritual books by Spirituality and Health Magazine. Her poetry awards include the National Main Street Rag Poetry Contest, The Stonewall Prize from the Chestnut Hills Press, the Salt Hill National Prize from Syracuse University in New York, the Whiskey Hill Award, the Georgia State University Randall Jared Award, the Billie Murray Denny Poetry Award, The Red Rock Review Prize, The Villa Montalvo Poetry Prize, the Gertrude Award, Comstock Poetry Award, and the Poet Lore Award. She is also a painter and collage artist, and works in the field of psychotherapy. |